My mother is a teacher. She cooks
tasty food. She washes my clothes. She gets me ready for school. She helps me
in my homework. She goes for shopping in the bazaar. She takes me to a park. I
play with my mother in the park. I love my mother.
When you fall ill,
your mother says, “Don’t go to school today. Take rest at home.” But you cannot
miss your school without letting your teacher know the reason. You can do this
by writing an application to the head teacher of your school. It is your duty
to inform him/ her about your illness and make a request for leave.
Singh was twelve years old. He was cut to pieces because he caught hold of the
heard of the British officer, Mr. Cowen. Such was the great spirit of these
lighters for freedom. How can their memory ever die? The entire nation will
always be proud of them. We bow our heads to these great martyrs who laid down
their lives in courage and glory.
party left for Everest. It was a hard journey over hills and through many
valleys. At last they reached the place where they were to have their Base
Camp. A few days later, they were on their way to the top. They established
many camps on the mountain. At these camps they rested so that they could be
ready for the next part of the journey.
is a park. Some children are playing. Some people are taking a walk. There are
many swings for children. There are beautiful flowers. There are big trees.
Some people are sitting on a bench. Two boys are playing with a red bull.

It was my birthday yesterday. I
organise a party at my place. There were ten friends invited by me. There were
balloons on the walls and the fan. There were many children in the party.
Children were wearing fancy caps. We all enjoyed music and dance.
little clock is like a friend to me. It says to me each morning not to forget
my exercises. It asks me to take both hands above the head and lower them very
slowly. It tells me not to stop and get tired.

The house is full of joy because the
infant boy has tiny tooth to show. The elder one has a double row of teeth but
no one cares for him. The infant boy can only speak half a word but his single
sound is preferred. He cannot walk. He is just advancing with mimic motion .
clock tells us time. It has two hands, a big one and a small one. Both the
hands move all through the day and never stop. They never get tired. They teach
us to go forward. They remind us to keep moving from morning to evening.

My mother is a teacher. She cooks very
tasty food and washes my clothes. She gets up early in the morning. She helps
me to get ready for school. She takes me for shopping in the market. We go to
the park in the evening. We play football daily. I also help my mother in the
kitchen. I respect and love my mother very much. My mother is the best mother
of the world.
bank is a place where you can keep your money. You can get it back when you
need. You can also book a small locker in your name. You can keep your precious
things in it. You can get them back whenever you need. The key of this locker
remains with you. Nobody can open it without the key. Banks also give loan
money to people for various needs. lt can be returned to the bank in small

King Midas lived and ruled a long,
long time ago. There were only two things that he loved. One was his lovely
daughter, and the other was gold. He had rooms and rooms filled with things
made of gold. But he was never satisfied. He always wanted more gold. One day,
a strange man came to his palace and asked, ‘0 King, are you a happy man?’ ‘No’,
said King Midas. ‘I want more gold’.
the year 1857, the people of India everywhere were angry with the British Rule.
They were burning with a desire to throw the British rulers out of India and
attain independence . The British government was very powerful. But this did
not discourage the fighters for freedom. They were out on the path of revolt,
struggle and war.

is a little clock in my room. It is like a friend to me. Its hands move round
and round. It is very busy all the day. It never tires and moves on all the
time. It asks me to do exercise by taking both the hands above the head and
lower them slowly. It tells me not to stop.

A notice board is hung on a wall
outside the school office. There are some papers pinned on it. These are called
notices. They are put up there for everyone to read. It is a great source of
information. This may be about the things that have happened or are about to
happen in the school. Good students read it daily.
clock tells us time. I have a big clock. My grandfather bought it for me on my
birthday. It is hanging in our drawing room. It has two hands. One is bigger
than the other. The small hand tells about hours. There is small bird sitting
in its top hole. It comes out to say coo-coo when the clock ticks hours. My
clock helps me to get ready for school.

It is very simple to open an account
in the bank. We just have to give a proof of our name and address. Here we can
keep our money safe. Whenever we want money, we can get it back. We can send
money to anybody through the bank. We also get some amount of money from the
bank for keeping our money in the bank.
infant boy had his first tooth so the family was very happy. But no one noticed
the row of teeth of his brother. Little boy was more important for the family.
A single step taken by younger brother draws more attention than the dance of
the elder one.

Micky is a fat boy. He has a round
body and small arms. He cannot fly but he wants to play with birds. Everyday he
tries to fly. In many ways he tries to fly. He tries again and again, but
nothing works. Now he climbs a tree. He is determined to fly. He jumps and
flaps his arms like wings. He falls down on a pile of leaves. He gets up. He
sits and thinks. He now knows that even though we wish hard and try hard too,
there are some things we aren’t meant to do.
Midas realized his mistake. Just then, his little daughter came into the room
and rushed to him. Before the king could stop her, she hugged him, and lo! She
at once turned into a statue of gold. King Midas wept and wept, but there was
nothing he could do. The stranger came again the next day . ‘You must be very
happy now, ’he said. But the king shook his head sadly. ‘No’, he said. ‘I have
lost everything I loved. I have realized my mistake’.

Bank is a public place where we can
keep our money safe. We can get it back whenever we need. Bank do not charge
for keeping our money safe, rather bank pays us for this. We have many banks in
our town. We can also borrow money from bank. whenever we need. Bank also help
us to send money to our friends and relatives. Bank provides us lockers to keep
our gold and other precious items. Nobody can open the locker without its
owner. So we should keep our money in the bank.
are the largest animals ever to live. The largest whale is the giant blue whale
which can reach lengths of 90-100 feet and weighs as much as 120-150 tonnes.
Whales are not fish. They are in the same group as we are mammals. They breathe
air. They give birth to young ones like we do. They nurse their babies with
milk just as women do.

climbers met in Kathmandu. Tenzing was a helper as well as a climber.
Whenever there was any dispute between the British climbers and the Sherpas,
Tenzing was able to settle it. His advice to everybody was: ‘Think of the task
ahead and not of your little complaints’.
was a very cruel officer. He ordered that all these Kuka Sikhs be blown off
with the help of cannons. The Kuka Sikhs bravely faced the cannon tire on their
chests. They sacrificed their lives for the sake of the freedom of their

was a cute boy. He sat on a bench in the park with a bat and a ball in his
hands. His lovely blue bicycle stood near him. He was waiting for other
children to ask him to play with them. But nobody wanted to play with him. His
toys and the beautiful bicycle did not attract anybody. He felt sad sitting
alone. He was a good boy; he did not say anything bad to anyone. He was good at
studies. It was strange that nobody wanted to play with him.

The stranger was a kind man. He said, ‘Bring
water from the river and sprinkle it on everything. You will get back
everything you have lost.’ King Midas quickly fetched water from the river.
First, he sprinkled it on his daughter and she came back to life. Then, he
sprinkled it everything around him. He got back his food and water too. He was
really happy now. He, thanked the stranger heartily.
body of the whale is suited for marine life. Their bones are soft and spongy.
They are light in weight and not very strong for their size. The bones in a
whale’s neck are fused together giving support to the neck. A whale is unable
to turn its head. Unlike humans, Whales can’t see straight in front of them
.They can’t see as well in the air as they can in water.

Satguru Sri Ram Singh ji, born and
educated at Bhaini Sahib, Punjab, was not a silent spectator. He organized a
group of his followers. He formed a party known as ‘Sant Khalsa’. In 1872, the
Kuka Sikhs attacked Malerkotla where Mr. Cowen was the British officer in
charge of the town.
the shadow of tower like insects are always busy. The caterpillars and the
lovely worms move along, all through the day. Bees and butterflies sip nectar
and gather pollen from the flowers. Spiders weave their wonderful lovely webs.
Each of these families has a job to do. They may have to hunt other creatures
for food.

Life is not easy for them; But insects
of every family manage to stay alive. Some members die; but others take their
places. Every family has a place in the nature. The ants help clear away dead
matter. They do not know they are helping. They are busy collecting their food.
But they do help. The bees are busy drinking from the flowers. But as they sip,
they help in the growth of fresh flowers.
can hear well in water even though they have no outside ears. Just as humans
use their legs, arms and feet, whales use their flippers for balance and
steering. Whales breathe air and can stay under water for 10-15 minutes. If a
whale becomes frightened or wounded, it can stay under water for more than an
hour. When the whale comes back to the top, it breathes. This breath is like a
water fountain.

in the grasses lies a busy land. It has many inhabitants. It has crowded cities
and quiet, hidden homes. It has busy high-ways, with travellers hurrying up and
down. It has wars and weddings, factories and farms; It has all the excitement
of our bigger world and all its dangers too. It is the world of the insects.