Monday 29 January 2018

300 Basic English Sentences

300 Basic English Sentences

Five “w”: what, who, which, why, where, and one “How”

1. This is, That is, These are, Those are,

1This is a book.

2 This is not a book.

3 Is this a book?

4 What is it?

5 That is a pencil.

6 That is not a pencil.

7 Is that a pencil?

8 What is that?

9 These are books.

10 These are not books.

11 Are these books?

12 What are these?

13 Those are pencils.

14 Those are not pencils.

15 Are those pencils?

16 What are those?

17 What is your address?

18 What’s your name?

19 What color is this?

20 What size is that?

21 What day is today?

22 Milk is good to eat.

23 Milk is good for you to eat.

24 This yard is full of children.

25 What is this in the picture?

26 One is strong. The other is weak.

27 That’s a good idea.

28 That’s very kind of you.

29 What he said is something.

30 All you have to do is add the letters.

31 This is my girl going into the door.

32 To do as you suggest would be out of the question.

33 That is exactly what we want to learn.

2. The verb to be

I am, You are, he/she/it is, we are, you are, they are (present) I was, You were, he/she/it was, we were, you were, they were


I will be (I should be), You will be, he/she/it will be, we will be, you will be, they will be

I would be, you would be, he/she/it would be. we would be,


you would be, they would be

34 I am a girl.

35 I am not a girl.

36 Are you a girl?

37 Who are you?

38 How old are you?

39 How are you?

40 Where are you?

41 My father is in his office.

42 Who’s that man over there?

43 I’m eight.

44 It is seven. It must be seven.

45 It’s very cold.

46 It is difficult.

47 It is wonderful.

48 It’s ten o’clock.

49 It is time for you to get up.

50 I’m interested in this book.

51 I’m very fond to you as a friend.

52 I’m thirsty.

53 I’m busy just now.

54 I’m afraid. I’m sure. I’m sorry.

55 I’m glad you like it. (I’m glad to hear your good news.)

56 I’m ready for breakfast.


57 I’m good at tennis.

58 What time is it?

59 It’s two minutes past six. It’s half past seven.

It’s a quarter past five. It’s two minutes to six. It’s two sharp.

It’s 6:30.

60 How many are they?

61 How many flowers are they?

62 How much rice are they?

63 What is your father?

64 Are you sure?

65 What are you afraid of?

66 It’s in the sky. (near my home/on the sea/on the left of TV / on the right/behind her / in front of TV / by desk / beside her / under the tree / on the table / in the room)

67 The car is near the tree.

68 Your hat looks very nice.

3. The verb to have

I have, you have, he/she/it has, we have, you have, they have (present)


I had, you had, he/she/it had ...

69 I have a pencil and two books. ( a pair of shoe/a pair of slippers/a pair of scissors/a cup of tea/two packets of sugar/a piece of chalk/a bag of rice/a slice of bread/a bowl of soup/a box of matches/a lot of rice/a great deal of water)

70 I have not (=haven’t) a red pencil.

71 Do you have any pencils? ((England) Have you any pencils?)

72 What do you have? ((England) What have you?)

73 How many sisters do you have?

74 Do you have anything to eat?

75 He has some letters for your father?

76 My sister has a cup.

77 I have a lot of thing to eat.

78 I have toothache. (stomach- ache/a cold/a cough/a fever/a sore throat/heart trouble/liver trouble/a headache)

79 I have no time to see you.

80 We have a car waiting outside.

81 I’ll have some soup.

4. There is, There are; There was, There were;

There will be; There would be;

There must be ...

82 There is book on the table.


83 There is not any book on the table.

84 Is there any book on the table?

85 What is there on the table?

86 There are two pencils in my box.

87 There are not any pencils in my box.

88 Are there any pencils in your box?

89 What are there in your box

90 There are seven days in a week.

91 How much rice is there?

92 Here is a few letters for you to learn.

93 There’s a telephone call for you.

94 Is there a Miss Lee staying here?

95 There won’t be many teachers going to the party.

96 Will there be a birthday party in the home?

5. Verb

I open, I don’t open ( he doesn’t open), do you open, what do you open?

I opened, I didn’t open, did you open, what did you


I will open, I won’t open, will you open, what will you


I am opening, I am not opening, are you opening, what are you opening?


I have opened, I haven’t opened, have you opened,

what have you opened?

I have been working, I haven’t been opening, have

you been opening,

what have you opening?

97 I open the door.

98 I don’t open the door.

99 Do you open the door?

100 When do you open the door?

101He opens the door.

102He doesn’t open the door.

103Does he open the door?

104When does he open the door?

105I opened the door.

106I didn’t open the door?

107Did you open the door?

108When did you open the door?

109I will open the door. I shill open the door.

110I will not (=won’t) open the door.

111Will you open the door?

112When will you open the door?

113I’m opening the door. You are opening the door. He is opening the door...

114I’m not opening the door?


115Are you opening the door?

116When are you opening the door?

117The door is opened.

118The door is not opened.

119Is the door opened?

120I have opened the door. (He has opened the door)

121I have not (=haven’t) opened the door.

122Have you opened the door?

123When have you opened the door?

124The door has been opened.

125The door has been opening.

126What are you listening to?

127What are you writing to?

128What are you talking about?

129What are you thinking about?

130What do you need it for?

131What are you looking for?

132Where do you come from?

133Has he come?

134When did you come?

135Have you seen him?

136Where did you see him?

137Have you spoken to him?

138What did he tell you?


139I have lived in Shanghai for a long time.

140I have bought the car.

141Has your brother come from Paris?

6. The verb to get:

142I must get myself a new pair of glasses?

143Get me two pounds of tomatoes.

144I get here at 11.

145Get the layer to explain it to you.

146I can’t get this lift to work.

147It’s getting dark.

148You’re getting fat.

149Don’t get excited!

150You’ll get weed to it.

151Did you get that?

152I don’t get you.

153Get in! Get on!

154I’ve got to go now.

155Have you got a match?

156He said he always carried a gun.

157He said the telegram had arrived at noon

158She promised she would reserve a room for me.

159He said he didn’t want to lire a car.

160He assured me he would keep his promise.


161This vase is made of glass.

162Is this bridge made of wood?

163What are these things mad of?

164Do you like to have some coffee?

165Would you like to have some coffee?

166I work for bank.

167I put on my slippers.

I go to the bathroom.

I take a slower.

I brush my teeth.

I comb my hair.

I go back to bedroom.

I begin to dress.

I put on my underclothes, shirt and trouser.

I take off my slippers and put on my socks and shoes. I tie my tie.

I close the window.

I turn off the light.

I leave my house to go to the school.

I get on (off) the bus.

Do you understand?

168Could you come to dinner?

169What time do you get up every day?

170Where were you born?


171Would you say slowly, please?

172What do you call 铅笔 in English?

173How do you say 铅笔 in English?

174How do you like it?

175What are you doing?

176Where are you going to?

177Could you tell me what time it is?

178How long did it take?

179What do you see with (hear, smell, eat)?

180Do you mind if I smoke?

181I don’t think he will win his game.

182I pick you up in front of the hotel.

183It takes place in a school.

184Perhaps you’ve heard of him.

185The sooner I get to bed the better.

7. To, ing as object

186I want to eat.

187I want you to tell me this.

188You have to share it with other tenants.

189You don’t have to carry much cash.

190I’d like to be called at 7.

191You ought to do it

192You‘d better wear a light jacket.


193We should be able to resolve our difference.

194All this is due to our change in teaching methods

195Most scientists tend to agree with me.

196It’s likely to rain.

197Today we are going to hear report.

198I need to look at your car.

199Would you like to go out and get something to eat?

200She hopes to get a job.

201You make me happy.

202It makes me forget all my problems.

203He is trying to imitate speaker’s pronunciation.

204This should help you to remember it.

205You ask some body to tell you time

206I prefer to go school.

207She starts working at 7.

208Why don’t we go dancing?

209Have you finished cleaning hall?

210He continued talking.

211You find people expressing many different opinions.

212Why do you keep asking such obvious question?

213I must have my TV set checked.

8. Command sentence: Open the door, Let’s go

214 Open the door, please. Close the window, please


215Don’t open the door!

216Let’s go!

217Let me take you out for dinner.

218How beautiful she is!

What a beautiful girl she is.

219Sit down, please! Stand up!

220Get off the bus! Get on the bus! Get in the taxi (car)! Get out of the car.

221Turn off (on) the light.

222Go downstairs! (Go upstairs!) Look at the blackboard! Look at me!

Hurry up! Hold on! Wait a minute.

223Don’t be nervous!

Don’t worry about it!

219 Yes or no?

Not at all.

Never do that!

224 Good heavens!


Good gracious!


220 Thank you very much. Thank you for helping me.

225 Excuse me

Good morning! (noon, evening, night) See you tomorrow. (See you again)

226Damn Disgraceful! Shut up! Don’t be silly!

227Tell me in your own words.

228Listen to the recording.

229Help yourself

Hand me the hammer.

230Give me a break! Never mind.

231That’s right! All right! OK

Very good! That’s too bad! Is that it? That will do.


232Mind your own business!

233I beg you pardon. (pardon?)

234Why not?

Why me?

Why not me?

235 Have a cigarette, won’t you?

Have a nice weekend (have a trip, have a good day)

236Pleased to meet you ( Nice to meet you)

237Same to you. ( You too)

Just so so

So am I

So can I

So do I

So did I

Neither am I

Neither can I

9. The small Verb: can, may, must ...

238I can open the door. (I can’t open the door.)

239Can I open the door? (What can I open?)

240Could I open the door?

241Can’t you open the door?

242Why can you open the door?

243Could you tell me the way to the station?


244Could you tell me what time it is?

245Could you spell it?

246What can’t a deaf man do?

247Can you help me?

248What can I do for you?

249We can’t get there on time.

250They can be divided into three groups.

251I can do what you said.

252May I come in?

May I sit down?

May I offer a suggestion?

May I use your pencil?

May I take this chair?

May I have some water?

They may come in handy one day

253You must know the sound of each letter in the English alphabet.

254We may have good reason to be proud of ourselves.

10. Comparing sentence: He is younger than I

255He is younger than I.

256He has more brothers than I.

257I have fewer brothers than you.

258He drinks more water than I.


259I drink less water than him.

260He is as well as you.

261Your car is as fast as mine.

262It was the most exciting match I’ve ever seen.

263Which is deeper a lake or an ocean?

264Which is faster a train or a bus?

265He is not so tall as I.

266I prefer to go rather than to stay.

11. The stress sentence: It’s ...

267It is very useful to listen to Lesson One again.

268It’s time to watch TV.

269It would be quite impossible to enumerate all the things.

270It is necessary that he should be sent there at once.

12. The conditional sentence and virtual sentence: if... , wish

271If you go there, you will find him.

272If you went there, you would find him.

273If you had gone there, you would have found him.

274I won’t believe it unless I see it with my own eyes.

275I wish I were a bird.

276I wish I had met my uncle yesterday.

277I wish I could go and visit my aunt tomorrow.

278I’m sorry to interrupt you.


279I gave the students a chance to say a few words too.

280You remember the sound [i] appearing in words like six, difficult.

281I’ve got a taxi waiting outside.

282I hope you won’t find it all too difficult to understand and to remember.

283I wish I could talk to you about art.

13. Short phase and sub-sentence

284To form the present perfect you use the present tense to the verb ‘to have’.

285To give you now an example of another American voice,

here is a young lady from Iowa who will teach you.

286Who wrote the famous book entitled “Treasure Island”?

287To save you such embarrassment, here are a few simple rules about writing.

288You would somehow manage to make yourself understood what other people said to you.

To do as you suggest would be out of the question.

289I think we’ve just enough time to learn a few more irregular verbs.

290We shall devote today’s lesson to the study of ONE English verb ‘to get’.

291Looking at the last few lessons, I see we have taken a big



Keeping one’s promise is something we should all do.

292I take ten minutes to get there.

293After he arrives, we’ll all come out.

294When he comes, I’ll bring him there.

295I won’t say anything until you tell him.

296I won’t phone my friend till Bob arrived.

297I haven’t heard anything about him since you wrote to me last month.

298As soon as we got there, we start working.

299I’ll stay here until you come back.

300I have only a few seconds left in which to remind you that your work on these lessons is by no means over.

301Read as many English books as you possibly can.

302What you call a ‘vest’ is an ‘undershirt’ to us.

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