Tuesday 30 January 2018

4th Class English Reading and Writin Material

Surjit was going to village,

His uncle and aunt were with him, Meenu was also very happy.

They were very excited,

The fields were very beautiful, They were watching lovely scenery.

They grow sugarcane and rice, Garden was in front of house, They have many cows.

They will go to village by train, The train will stop for two minutes, They will pick then bags.

The train arrived at station, They can see crops and fields, I will show you sugarcane field.

What is the name of little pencil, Everyone can see and handle it, We sharp it with knife.

We draw different things with pencil, I write lovely letters with it,

We also make many mistakes.

If it falls down, it is missed,

My father and mother also uses it, The little pencil is very important.

I went to temple with my grandfather, We took bath in tank,

I noticed a silver coin,

I picked it up.

It was a gift from God,

The silver coin was in the sand, We want inside temple,

My grandfather turned to me.

He ordered me to give con, He gave the coin to the priest, I felt angry with grandfather,

I did not speak to him.

The rupee was not gift from God,

Someone had lost it,

God does not gave away gifts,

If you work hard you get money,

The owl looked the stars,

He sang for beautiful Pussy,

He sang sweet song.

They sailed away for a year,

They reached a land where trees grow, They took it away and got married.

Mother Teresa was great woman, She served poor, sick and suffering, She reached almost every country.

She was a great organizer,

She had great practical sense and big heart, He never gave up here projects.

She never lost hope,

Her deeds speak for her,

She helped sick and suffering people,

She took care of patients.

She ran a hostel and school, Such people never die,

Their memory lives in our hearts.

She was always late,

She often missed the school bus, But she was brilliant students, She stood first in the class.

He realized his mistake,

He would be late,

How did he reach on time,

So, he got worried.

She had hardly covered a distance, A passing car slowed down,

They will drop you,

She had been Kidnapped.

She found her toy gun,

She liked it very much,

She held it firmly,

Then she started walking.

He applied brakes,

She hit him hard,

Then she got afraid,

She understood the situation.

She would never be late again,

She promised to herself,

She started walking,

She was awarded by them.

She was never on time,

I did not like her habit,

She was getting late,

So she missed the school bus.

He was grumbled,

We had nothing to do,

But we were near the end,

They seemed to be nothing.

Daddy fell into the pond. Everyone's face grew merry and bright. Timothy danced for their delight. Give me the camera.

My grandmother and I were friends,

She got up early in the morning,

She had taken her bath,

Then she went to temple

She went to temple,

The temple situated in our street,

She prayed to God,

Then she come back home.

She fed the sparrows,

The sparrows gathered around her,

The sparrows gathered in large numbers everyday,

She used to tell us some stories,

The stories are very interesting,

The stories contained lots of moral,

I like stories very much.

She should take regular exercise,

We should avoid junk food,

My grandmother was nice and kind to all, She always kept calm.

If you are sweet,

God will be sweet to you, If you are rude and angry,

God will rude and angry with you.

I learnt a lovely lesson from her, Now my grandmother is no more, Everybody remembers her,

I too miss her a lot.
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