Tuesday 30 January 2018

5th class stories

King Midas was very sad, because his lovely daughter had turned into a statue of gold. He kept weeping all the day for his daughter. Next day, the same stranger came to his palace again and said the king, “You would be very happy now as you have more gold.” But the king told him,” I am not happy at all. I have lost my daughter whom I loved the most. I accept my mistake. Please do something to bring her back.”
The stranger was a very kind man. He wanted to help the king. He told the king to bring water from the river and spray it on all the things that have turned into gold. The king did the same. First of all, he sprayed water on his daughter. His daughter got alive. The king was very pleased to see her daughter alive. He hugged her. Then, he sprayed water on all other things. He got all his things back.
The stranger gifted the king a power that whatever he would touch would turn into gold. The king was very happy to have the power. He wanted to test the power. The power worked. He changed most of the things in the palace into gold. Then, he sat down to have his lunch. But, as soon as he touched the food, it turned into gold. He tried to drink the water but the water also turned into gold.
I have a little clock in my room. It is my friend. It rises early in the morning and reminds me to do the exercises like it does all day long. I am very happy that I have a very hard working friend. It never gets tired and stop. It inspires me to do my work regularly.
My little clock asks me to exercise like him then, I move my arms around like him. I cannot do the exercise the way he does all the day but we motivate each other and do our exercise everyday, which make us feel fresh the whole day.
Tenzing was a great climber. He had taken part in many expeditions to high mountains. He also helped the climbers. During the climbs, if any dispute arose between British climbers and Sherpas, Tenzing used to settle their dispute. He used to advice his team mates to go ahead to complete the task. Climbers usually took his advices seriously.
The team of climbers started their journey to Everest. They reached to their base camp, after a hard and risky journey over hills. After some days, they were on the way to the top. They set many camps on the mountain. They rested at camps to get ready for the journey ahead. Some of the team mates stayed at camps to take care of their loads. Only a few went ahead. Tenzing was one of them, who went higher.
Tenzing and Hillary were looking for the next camp. They were late. It was dark there. They had to cross a deep and long crack in the snow to go ahead. Hillary jumped across the crack. But, when he landed, the snow gave way. Then, Hillary began to fell down. Tenzing saw the danger. They had a rope tied round their waists. So, Tenzing pushed his ice-axe into the ground and lay down near it. As the result, the rope got tight and Hillary remained hung in the air.
Whales are not fish, they are mammals. They breathe air like us. They have to come to the surface to breathe .They give birth to their young ones. Their babies feed on their milk. The body of the whale is suited for marine life. Bones of a whale are very soft and spongy. Their bones are light in weight. A whale is unable to turn his head while swimming. It has to move the whole body to turn.
Whales can’t see straight both in air and water. They have oily tears that protect their eyes when they dive deep in the sea. You would be wonder to know that whales don’t have outside ears like us, but they can hear well in the water. Whales have flippers that help them to balance and steer their bodies while they swim. When a whale gets frightened or hurt it can stay under water more than an hour. Usually, a whale does not stay under water for a longer period.
The people of India were angry with the British rule. They wanted to get rid of the British rulers and wanted to be free. The British were very powerful but freedom fighters were not afraid of it. They were out on the path of revolt, struggle and war. They were ready to sacrifice their lives for the country.
Satguru Shri Ram Singh Ji was a great freedom fighter. He was born and educated at Bhaini Sahib. He formed a party called Sant Khalsa that later developed into Kuka Movement of Namdhari Sikhs. In 1872, the kuka Sikhs attacked Malerkotla. After the attack ,sixty-six Kuka Sikhs surrendered themselves. These Sikhs were blown off with canon fire. They sacrificed their lives for the freedom.
Waryam Singh was a Namdhari Sikh. He was too short to reach the level of the canon’s mouth, but he was very brave. He himself collected some stones and stood upon them to reach the level of canon’s mouth. Then he challenged the British officer to fire at him. Such was the courage of these freedom fighters.
Bishan Singh was twelve years old. He was a Kuka Sikh. He was so brave that he hold the beard of a British officer Cowen and threw him on the ground. British officers got furious and cut Bishan Singh into pieces. Such was the spirit of these martyrs. The entire country will always be proud of them.
John and Surjit are friends. One day they visit a bank. John does not know about the workings of a bank. Surjit told him that bank is a place where people keep their money safely and also get profit from their savings. People can send money from one place to another with the help of bank. They can also withdraw money from the bank by filling a cheque book leaf.
Bank is not only used for keeping money but to keep costly things also. We can book locker in the bank where we can keep our valuables safely. We can take these things whenever we need them. Locker is opened with two keys. One key of this locker remain with us and the other is with the bank. We can also borrow money from the bank whenever we need it.
Bank is an important place. We can keep our money in it. It is very easy to open an account with the bank. We need proof of name and address to open the account in the bank. Bank gives us cheque book and ATM card to withdraw the money whenever we need it. It also makes payments on the behalf of its customers. It makes our life smooth.
Each and every little creature has an important role in the nature. The ants clear away dead matter without knowing they are helping the nature. Actually they are busy in collecting their food. The bees drink nectar from the flowers. As they sip the nectar they are helping the nature in the growth of fresh flowers. So, we can say everyone has a share in this busy world.
There is a busy world down in the grasses. This world has millions of creatures. It is the world of insects. These insects have their own cities and hidden homes. They have busy highways where they travel up and down. They have work places like us in the form of factories and farms. Their world is full of excitement as we have.
Grasses are like forest trees for little creatures. Several worms move along through the day. They remain busy in search of food and to get alive. They hunt other creatures for their food. Life is not easy for them. They somehow manage to stay alive. Some of the members die and some new members take birth to join this wonderful world.
All the family members are busy as well as happy because of my little brother. He has just got a little tooth. He has only one tooth in his mouth and all the members are happy watching his little tooth but I have too many small and white teeth in my mouth yet no one is interested in them. I don’t know why they are so happy.
My little brother do not know how to speak but whenever he speaks a single word all the family members stand around him to listen his words. He doesn’t walk but his single step makes all the family members feel surprised. They are not interested in my words or dance that I perform all the day long.

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